Documentation > Upsells

Setting up Tiered Discount Upsell

How it Works

Tiered Discount Upsell module lets your customers unlock various offers as their cart value grows. You can encourage customers to spend more by offering them Special Discounts, Free Shipping & Free Products. The rewards are automatically added/applied to their cart as they reach certain cart value.

For example, you can set it up to auto apply 5% off discount when their cart value reaches $100, and then offer free shipping when it reaches $200, and offer a free product when their cart value reaches $400.


Setting up a Tier

To give users special reward, you will have to create different tiers. Each tier can have certain amount value that the customer has to reach to unlock its reward.

To create a tier, click the +Add New Tier button, and then customize the newly created tier.


Tier Settings

Minimum Cart Amount: With this option you will have to set how much the user must spend to unlock this tier’s reward. The tiers only make sense if each tiers value is more than its previous tiers. So, if you set this tiers value to $100, the next tier’s value should be more than that.

Reward Type: Select the type of reward you want to give when the user reaches the specified cart amount. You can reward customers with a Discount, Free Shipping or a giving away a product for free.

If you have set the reward type to Discount, make sure you have selected the discount type and the discount amount. You can either give a flat discount or a percentage discount.

If you have set the reward type to Free Gift, make sure you have selected the Product that you want to give away. When you are giving out a free product, a Free Product box is displayed in the Cart Items area. All the free products available to unlock are displayed there.

Tier Reward Setup

When you set a tier, your new tier is automatically displayed in the Tier Progress bar. To change the Reward name that appears in the progress bar, click the Text tab from the tier settings box.

Reward Label: Set the reward name that you want to show to the customer.

Message Before Goal: You can use this option to encourage customer to reach this tier by spending the required amount. You can write {{amount_left}} to display the amount required to unlock this value.

Message After Goal: Set what message you want to display when the reward has been unlocked.


Other Settings Explained

Hide Progress Bar: To hide the Tiered discount progress bar that appears in the cart, you can disable this option.

Hide Goal CTA: To Hide the message that appears before a Tier has been completed, you can disable this option.

Hide Tier Labels: If you want to hide the Tier labels that appears under the progress bar, use this option.

Tier Unlock Animation: By default, the app displays a confetti animation whenever a tier has been unlocked. You can disable that animation with this option.

All Tiers Unlocked Message: When all Tiers are unlocked, the Goal CTA space that displays each tier’s goal message, won’t show anything since all the tiers are unlocked. You can use this field to display a custom message there.

Free Product Section Title: You can change the free product box title with this option.

Free Product Unlock CTA:  You can change what text should appear under the title of each product. It can be used to encourage customers to spend more to unlock this gift. You can use {{amount_left}} to display the amount required to unlock this value.

Free Product Unlocked Label: When a Free gift is unlocked and added to Cart, it displays a label that says FREE. You can change it from here.

Free Product Price Label: By default, when the product is added to the cart, the price is show as “Free”. You can change it through this field.

Free Product Add Label: Unlocked Product can have an Add button. You can change the label of that button here.

Free Product Remove Label: Product Unlocked and added to cart has an option to remove it from the cart using the Remove button. You can change the remove button text here.


Displaying the Tiered Discount module only when certain conditions are met

With Cart+ you have the option to display a module only when a customer meets certain condition. You can display only if the they have spent a certain amount, added a certain number of products, from a specific country and a lot more. You can learn how you can conditionally display an upsell module by following this guide.


Frequently Asked Questions:

I don’t want to display any tiers or anything, I just want to give my customers a Free Shipping if they have spent a certain amount. How can I do that?

You can use the Tiered Discount Upsell module for this. From the Tiers settings, just add a single tier with tier reward type to Free Shipping and then set the minimum cart amount value.

Then from the Settings tab, disable the progress bar, and the Hide the Goal CTA if you want.

I don’t want to display any tiers or anything, I just want to give my customers a Free Product if they spend a certain amount. How can I do that?

You can use the Tiered Discount Upsell module for this. From the Tiers settings, just add a single tier with tier reward type to Free Product and then select the Product that you want to give away.

Then from the Settings tab, disable the progress bar, and the Hide the Goal CTA if you want.

How can the customer get the free product?

When a customer spends the specified amount, the free product is automatically added to the Cart. They can remove the product by clicking the remove button anytime they want.