Documentation > Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Can’t I access the Shopify Cart Page?

Cart+ app needs to process all the orders itself in order to apply all the discounts. It cannot modify the Shopify Cart page to include all the offers, tiers and discounts. It can only do it through the Cart Drawer. Hence the app disables the default Shopify Cart page. If for some reason, the cart drawer cannot be loaded, customers can access the cart page and complete the order.

How do I let my customers apply Coupon Codes to their order?

Currently you can only let your customers apply “Order Discount” code and “Shipping Discount” code. To let customers apply coupon codes, go to the Settings page, then Basic > Cart Items > Settings, and enable the “Let Users apply Discount Code” option.

What happens if Cart+ Drawer doesn’t load?

Your normal cart will be activated and customers will still be able to checkout seamlessly.

Does the App support multi-currency?

Currently it doesn’t. But we will add this feature in near future.

I want to give my customers a Free Shipping if they have spent a certain amount. How can I do that?

You can use the Tiered Discount Upsell module for this. From the Tiers settings, just add a single tier with tier reward type to Free Shipping and then set the minimum cart amount value.

Then from the Settings tab, disable the progress bar, and the Hide the Goal CTA if you want.

I want to give my customers a Free Product if they spend a certain amount. How can I do that?

You can use the Tiered Discount Upsell module for this. From the Tiers settings, just add a single tier with tier reward type to Free Product and then select the Product that you want to give away.

Then from the Settings tab, disable the progress bar, and the Hide the Goal CTA if you want.

I want to hide a specific upsell module to some users. Is that possible?

Yes, you can use the Conditional display options of each module to only display them on certain cases.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Just Uninstall the app and your subscription will be automatically cancelled.

What Data do you save from my store do your database?

For the app to function properly Cart+ stores basic store information like currency, weight, current theme name, shop name, email etc. When you uninstall the app, this data is removed right away.

Obviously, App Settings Data is also stored in our database.

Also, when an order is processed by the app it also stores the order number, order total amount in our database for Analytics. No other order data is saved.

We do not store any customer data from your store or the processed orders.

Note that once the App is uninstalled your App Settings and orders data will remain. This is because some users may want to disable the app temporarily for test purpose and it will be a huge issue for them to lose all the analytics and settings data.

Once the app has been uninstalled and 30 days passes, we automatically remove the App settings data and the order data. If you want us to also remove the app settings data, and the orders data right away, get in touch with us through the contact page and we will remove them once we receive your request.