Documentation > Upsells

Setting up Countdown Upsell

How it Works

With Countdown Upsell module, you can urge customers to complete the purchase within a given time to reduce cart abandonment. When you enable this module, it displays a countdown timer and a message of your choice.

The Countdown module can be used 2 ways

Cart Reservation Timer: You can display a limited countdown timer for say 10 minutes and urge customers to purchase the reserved cart before the set minutes so that they can get the items while they are in stock. Note that when the timer ends, the cart is not cleared out. The method is only used to create an urgency to perform the checkout process.

Special Discount Timer: You can display the countdown timer with a special discount that will be automatically added, and will expire within a given time.  The discount is added when visitor adds a product to the empty cart for the first time.  To avail the discount, customers have to complete the order within that time. The added discount is seen above the Cart subtotal. If the customer does not complete the order within the given time, the discount is removed from the cart.

Creating a Cart Reservation Timer

  1. First enable the module, and then from the Upsell Type dropdown menu, select “Cart Reservation Timer”.
  2. Then Select how the timer layout with the Timer Style
  3. Set the time in minutes with the Countdown Duration
  4. Choose when to reset the countdown timer when it ends using the Reset Timer
  5. You can set your message in the Countdown Message
  6. If you want to hide the timer every time it ends, enable the Hide Timer When it Ends


Creating a Discount Timer

  1. First enable the module, and then from the Upsell Type dropdown menu, select “Special Discount Timer”.
  2. Then Set what type of discount you want to give from the Discount Type dropdown option. You can either give a flat discount or a percentage discount.
  3. Then write down the Discount amount in the Discount Amount If you have selected Flat Discount type, write down the discount amount in your own currency. For example, if your store’s currency is USD, and you want to give a 5 USD flat discount, insert 5
  4. Then Select how the timer layout with the Timer Style
  5. Set the time in minutes with the Countdown Duration
  6. Choose when to reset the countdown timer when it ends using the Reset Timer
  7. You can set your message in the Countdown Message
  8. If you want to hide the timer every time it ends, enable the Hide Timer When it Ends
  9. To change the “Limited Discount” label that appears above the Cart Subtotal, go to the tab, and modify the Discount Label & the Expires Text option.


Displaying the Countdown Upsell module only when certain conditions are met

With Cart+ you have the option to display a module only when a customer meets certain condition. You can display only if the they have spent a certain amount, added a certain number of products, from a specific country and a lot more. You can learn how you can conditionally display an upsell module by following this guide.