Cart Checkout Settings

The Cart Checkout Settings lets you customize how the Cart Drawer’s footer area will look. From this section You can:

  1. Customize the Checkout Button.
  2. Display Privacy Agreement checkbox.
  3. Display a “Continue Shopping” Button.
  4. Restrict Checkout if some conditions are not met.


The Cart Checkout Settings Are explained below:

Terms & Privacy Agreement checkbox: When this option is enabled, a privacy agreement checkbox is displayed above the Checkout button. You can customize the text and the link with the Terms & Privacy Agreement Text editor field below. You can link the text to your existing policy page.

When this option is enabled, Customers has to check this option to complete the order process. If a customer tries to click the Checkout button before checking the checkbox, an error is shown. The error message can be customized with the Terms Error Text field.

Display Continue Shopping Button: Enable this option to display “Continue Shopping” button below the checkout button. You can customize the text of this button from the Checkout Button Text option. When this button is clicked the Cart drawer will hide itself.

Display Total in Checkout Button: With this option enabled, you can also display the subtotal amount in the Checkout button for better user experience.


Restricting Customers from making a purchase until they meet certain conditions

You can restrict customers from making the purchase based on certain conditions like Customers Total Cart Value, Products count, Country etc. To add a condition, click the Restrict tab and set up your conditions.

Let’s say you want to only accept orders over $50 for your store. If the customers current cart value is below that, they shouldn’t be able to click the Checkout button to place the order. You can follow these steps to achieve that:

  1. First enable the Only Allow Checkout based on Custom Conditions.
  2. Click the Add New Rule
  3. Click the + icon from the newly appeared rule.
  4. Set the condition type to Cart Value is More than X
  5. Then insert the amount 50
  6. Save the Settings.
  7. You can also show a locked cart icon inside the checkout button and display the reason for checkout being locked.