Basic Settings

This page explains all the options present in the Basic Settings Tab under the Cart+ App’s Settings page.


Settings Options

Cart Drawer Width: Set the width of the Cart Drawer. This is only applicable to desktop version. On mobile, the Drawer will fit to screen.

Cart Drawer Full Height: When you enable this option, the cart drawer will cover the whole height of the page. The Cart drawer spacing around it will be removed when this option is enabled.

Open Sidebar Every time a Product is Added: By default, the Cart Drawer is always tucked in and not shown. Its only shown when the visitor clicks the Cart Bubble. If you enable this option, every time visitor adds a product, the Cart Drawer will be automatically open.

Applied Discount Label: Cart+ merges all the upsell discounts and user applied coupon code into one single discount code and apply it to the cart. By default, it displays a “Custom Code” label in the order and the checkout page. You can change it using this option.


Style Options

Cart Content Font: By default, Cart+ automatically inherits your theme’s default font. This option lets you select a different Font for your Cart Drawer.

Cart Title & Button Font: You can set a different font for Cart Header, Product Titles and the checkout button through this option.

Roundness: With this option you can roundness of the Corners of the Cart Drawer.

Section Title Font Size: Each Upsell Modules are rendered in a section. Each section can have a title. You can change that section title font size through this option.

Section Title Height: You can change the height of the Upsell Module section title with this option.

Cart Text Color: This option will let you set the text color for the whole cart.

Cart Background Color: This option will let you change the default white background the whole cart.

Section Title Color: You can change the Upsell modules section’s title color with this option. You can also override this color by going to each Upsell module’s style section and changing its section title color.

Section Title Background Color: You can change the Upsell modules section’s title background color with this option. You can also override this color by going to each Upsell module’s style section and changing its section title background color.

Section Divider Color: Each module, cart items, Drawer head and footer display a grey divider under them. You can change that grey divider color with this option.